The Real Deal about Transfers and Switches

General Greg Weaver 29 Sep

Most people who are thinking about a transfer or switch want to take advantage of a lower interest rate or to get a new mortgage product with terms that better suit their needs.

Up for Renewal?

If your mortgage is approaching renewal and you are considering a transfer or switch – great news! You won’t be charged a penalty. BUT you are still required to qualify at the current qualifying rate and need to consider potential costs around legal charges, appraisal fees and penalty fees (if applicable). In some cases, the lender will offer you the option to include these fees in your mortgage or even cover the costs for you.

Currently have a Collateral Charge Mortgage?

If you have a collateral charge mortgage (which secures your loan against collateral such as the property), these loans cannot be switched; they can only be registered or discharged. This means you would need to discharge the mortgage from your current lender (and pay any fees associated) before registering it with a new lender (and pay any fees associated).

Still locked into your Mortgage?

If you’re considering a transfer or switch in the middle of your mortgage term, you will likely incur a penalty for breaking that mortgage. Typically, transfers and switches are done to take advantage of a lower interest rate (and lower monthly payments), but you want to be confident that the penalty doesn’t outweigh the potential savings before moving ahead.

Things to consider for a transfer or switch:

  1. You may be required to pay fees associated with the transfer or switch, including possible admin and legal fees.
  2. You will need to requalify under the qualifying rate to show that you can carry the mortgage with the new lender.
  3. You will be required to submit documents that may include, but are not limited to, the following (depending on the lender):
  • Application and credit bureau
  • Verification of income and employment
  • Renewal or annual statement indicating mortgage number
  • Pre-Authorized Payment form accompanied by VOID cheque
  • Signed commitment
  • Confirmation of fire insurance is required
  • If LTV is above 80%, confirmation of valid CMHC, Sagen or Canada Guaranty insurance is required
  • Appraisal
  • Payout authorization form
  • Property tax bill

If your mortgage is currently up for renewal, consider reaching out. Not only can we advise you of any penalties or fees that may be associated with your desired transfer or switch, but we also have the knowledge and ability to shop the market for you to find the best options to meet your needs. This extensive network of lender options allows brokers to ensure that you are not only getting the sharpest rate, but that the mortgage product and terms are suitable for you now – and in the future.


Published by DLC Marketing Team

5 Reasons You Don’t Qualify for a Mortgage

General Greg Weaver 16 Sep

When it comes to shopping for a mortgage, it is important to know what you need to qualify – but it is just as important to understand some of the reasons why you DON’T qualify so that you can make some changes and budget accordingly for when the time is right.

If you are in the market for a home, make sure you know the 5 major reasons you may not qualify for a mortgage:

1. Too Much Debt

One of the biggest reasons that individuals fail to qualify for a mortgage is that they are carrying too much debt already. This debt can be in the form of credit cards, lines of credit or other loans. Regardless of where the debt comes from, it all contributes to your Total Debt Servicing ratio (TDS), which is one of the qualifiers for a mortgage loan. The goal is for your monthly debt payments to NOT exceed 40% of your gross monthly income.

PRO TIP: Find ways to lessen your expenses, budget or consolidate debt where possible.

2. Credit History

Another indicator of not qualifying for a mortgage can be your credit history. It is always important to pull your credit score before you start house hunting so that you can understand what your credit rating is to help determine what you qualify for. Your credit score is a direct reflection of your potential risk and, if you have a poor credit history then it makes it harder to secure a mortgage loan.

PRO TIP: To improve your credit score, be sure to avoid late or missed payments, exceeding your credit card limit or applying for multiple new credit cards.

3. Insufficient Assets or Income

With rising housing prices and stagnant income levels, one roadblock for mortgage approval can be lacking sufficient income or assets to put against your loan. For some buyers, the only option is to save up more money for your down payment to reduce the overall mortgage or look at suite income or alternative lenders.

4. Not Enough Down Payment

Another reason you may not qualify for a mortgage could be that you do not have enough of a down payment. In Canada, a 20% down payment is required to avoid mortgage default insurance BUT you can still purchase a home with less than 20%; you simply need to account for the insurance premiums, which are calculated as a percentage of the loan and is based on the size of your down payment.

5. Inadequate Employment History

Lastly, employment history can have a big impact on mortgage approval. Most lenders prefer a 2-year consistent employment history. If you do not have an adequate employment history, have been at your job for a short time or do not have a record of long-term positions, you might find it harder to get a mortgage loan.

Whether you’re looking to get your first mortgage, are ready to move or are simply shopping around, understanding what can impact your mortgage application will help ensure you have greater success!

If you are struggling currently with your mortgage approval or have recently been denied – that’s okay! Don’t be deterred. With a little effort and patience, you will be able to put yourself in a better position to reapply in the future!  If you’re ready, contact Greg Weaver today to discuss your options.


Published by DLC Marketing Team

Back to School: Credit Clean Up!

General Greg Weaver 13 Sep

It’s time to go back to school… for your finances! The fall is the perfect time for a credit clean-up so that you are ready for the holiday spending season – and anything else the year can throw at you!

When it comes to cleaning up credit, there is no better time than now to recognize the importance of your credit score and check if you are on track with your habits. To get started with your credit clean-up, there are a few things you can do:

  1. Pull Your Credit Report: For most of us, our credit score is something we only think about when we need it. However, if you are unsure of where you stand, this is a great time to find out! The Fair Credit Reporting Act lets you get one free credit report every year through Equifax or TransUnion. Pulling your own credit report results in a “soft” inquiry on your report and will not affect your credit score. Click here to get your free credit report today!
  2. If You Find Errors, Dispute Them: When doing your annual credit score review, it is a good idea to go through line-by-line and confirm no errors. If you find any errors, report and dispute them immediately as they could be affecting your score.
  3. Consolidate Your Loans: One of the best tips for managing your credit and working towards future financial success is to consolidate your debt. Consolidating debt means reducing multiple loans to a single monthly payment, which typically has a lower interest rate allowing you to maximize spending on the principal amount.

Once you have put the effort into cleaning up your credit, you will want to keep it that way! A few tips for maintaining your credit and maximizing your financial future include:

  1. Pay Your Bills: This seems pretty straightforward, but it is not that simple. You not only have to pay the bills, but you have to do so in full AND on time whenever possible.  Paying bills on time is one of the key behaviours lenders and creditors look for when deciding to grant you a loan or mortgage. If you are unable to afford the full amount, a good tip is to at least pay the minimum required as shown on your monthly statement to prevent any flags on your account.
  2. Pay Your Debts: Whether you have credit card debt, a car loan, a line of credit or a mortgage, the goal should be to pay your debt off as quickly as possible. To make the most impact, start by paying the lowest debt items first and then work towards the larger amounts. By removing the low debt items, you also remove the interest payments on those loans which frees up money that can be put towards paying off larger items.
  3. Stay Within Your Limit: This is key when it comes to managing debt and maintaining a good credit score. Using all or most of your available credit is not advised. Your goal should be to use 30% or less of your available credit. For instance, if you have a limit of $1000 on your credit card, you should never go over $700.

NOTE: If you find you need more credit, it is better to increase the limit versus utilizing more than 70% of what is available each month.

Whether you qualify for a mortgage through a bank, credit union or other financial institution, you should be aiming for a credit score of 680 for at least one borrower (or guarantor). If you are ready to start your home-buying journey, or are looking to refinance your existing mortgage, a DLC Mortgage Expert can help you review your credit score and financial information to help you get the most from your money.


Published by DLC Marketing Team